
What is the maximum permissible time period for any ongoing project? the time period of ongoing project extended beyond permissible period?

What is the maximum permissible time period for any ongoing project? the time period of ongoing project extended beyond permissible period?

As per the definition of an ongoing project, the maximum permissible time period shall be three financial years excluding the financial year in which it is commenced i.e., (1+3) financial years. ...

Posted on: 3 years ago

When will an ongoing project be regarded as ‘commenced’?

When will an ongoing project be regarded as ‘commenced’?

An ongoing project will have ‘commenced’ when the company has either issued the work order pertaining to the project or awarded the contract for execution of the project. 

Posted on: 3 years ago

What is the meaning of ‘ongoing project’? Which projects can be considered as ongoing?

What is the meaning of ‘ongoing project’? Which projects can be considered as ongoing?

Ongoing project has been defined under rule 2(1)(i) of the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014 as: a multi-year project, stretching over more than one financial year;having a timeline not exceedin...

Posted on: 3 years ago

What is the role of international organisations in the context of CSR?

What is the role of international organisations in the context of CSR?

Pursuant to rule 4(3) of the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014, a company can engage international organisations for the limited purposes of designing, monitoring, and evaluation of the CSR projects...

Posted on: 3 years ago



No, an international organisation cannot act as an implementing agency

Posted on: 3 years ago

Whether registration of implementing agency by filing e-form CSR-1 is mandatory in case the company carries out CSR activities directly?

Whether registration of implementing agency by filing e-form CSR-1 is mandatory in case the company carries out CSR activities directly?

No. The question of filing e-form CSR-1 does not arise in case the company carries out CSR activities directly. 

Posted on: 3 years ago

Whether an ongoing project approved prior to April 01, 2021, may be implemented by an implementing agency not registered on MCA21 portal?

Whether an ongoing project approved prior to April 01, 2021, may be implemented by an implementing agency not registered on MCA21 portal?

Since the requirement of registration has commenced from 01st April, 2021, any ongoing project which has been approved between 22nd January, 2021 and 31st March, 2021, may be carried out by an impleme...

Posted on: 3 years ago

Is it mandatory for every implementing agency to register on the MCA21 portal?

Is it mandatory for every implementing agency to register on the MCA21 portal?

Yes, every implementing agency mentioned in rule 4(1) of the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014 shall mandatorily register itself in the MCA21 portal w.e.f. 01st April 2021 in order to enable it to un...

Posted on: 3 years ago

What is the purpose of registration of the implementing agency on MCA21 portal?

What is the purpose of registration of the implementing agency on MCA21 portal?

The identification of suitable implementing agencies is a major concern for companies. Registration of implementing agencies on MCA21 portal is aimed at creating a database of such agencies for compan...

Posted on: 3 years ago

What is meant by  ’registered public trusts’ in such states where registration is not mandatory?

What is meant by ’registered public trusts’ in such states where registration is not mandatory?

Registered public trust (as referred to in rule 4(1) of the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules,2014) would include trusts registered under the Income Tax Act, 1961 in respect of those states where registrat...

Posted on: 3 years ago